Eindelijk in Engeland

Guestwiter, Nikita and Mathijs fromLada Depmak. The dutch boat had a again motorproblems :-), but the wind was picking up and we decided to sail. Tanker Kira sailed fast away at a high speed. The wind changes to south so we go west. The wind is really getting stronger, and waves are growing. The wind blows up in the direction of two huge oilplatforms, and get warnings from the gurad ship. We (Lada Depmak) now really (finally) sail away from tanker Kira. Gale warning from English Goastguard, 8 Bft! My first storm experience. Waves are 3 m, sometimes 5 m, and breaking. Every hour we contact Kira, and we exchange positions. They give us advice how to handle this storm, abut sails etc. I feel stupid that I brought my daughter in this situation. Lada Depmak seems to handle this well, the boat is good to control, with just a tiny sail we´re going fast even with the breaking waves. Kira can test the storm sails. 34 hours after leaving Amsterdam, we reach the harbour of Lowestoft. Kira is still at sea, they´re helping a catamaran in need, but help is no longer needed. 4 hours later Kira arrives, but I´m asleep, after a long long watch.

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