Channel Islands

Gestern abend gegen 22:00 kam endlich die franz. Küste im Dunst in Sicht. Lada Depmark segelt weiterhin 10 nm hinter uns….wir führen das weniger auf die Segelperformance unseres Tankers, als vielmehr auf unsere auf Erfahrung basierende und vorrausschauende Tidenplanung zurück;-). Um 23:05 haben wir bereits das Cap de la Hague 2,5 nm an Backbord querab. Nun noch die Races of Alderny und dann rein in Beayharbour. Wir sind uns nach wie vor nicht ganz im Klaren darüber, ob wir eine Mouring in Anspruch n ehmen oder aber unser Grundeisen nutzen sollen. Gegen letzters spricht, dass Ankern auch etwa 2/3 dessen kostet, wie eine Mouring… Zum Abendessen gab es heute ein leckeres Rührei mit Zwiebeln und Tomaten; dazu Pfefferräucherlachs aus Eastbourne. 0:18 und wir gehen langsam aber sicher in die Ansteuerung über. Aufgrund mittlerweile vorherrschenden Nebels haben wir uns entschieden, Brayharbour möglichst von Nord aus anzusteuern. Wir befinden uns nun 2,5 nm nördl. der Insel und sehen…:NIX! 01:15 sind wir endlich fest an einer Mooringtonne. Die Ansteuerung hat trotz schlechter Sicht problemlos geklappt. Eine freie Mooringtonne zu finden gestaltete sich daegen wesentlich schwieriger. Lada Depmark sollte wenn alles glatt geht in ca. 1 Stunde auch hier sein. Guestwriter Mathijs (lada Depmak) Like Kira we sailed at 22.00 from Eastbourne, Our val from the mainsail was folded around the mastlight, so we had to fix that. big waves made the boat wiggle a lot so it was hard. Kira (tanker) sailed away in real fast way, a nice force 4. Nikita fel asleep (like always). For a good course I pointed at Kira, far before us, just a small green light, far away. Few hours later I was on VHF with Claus, suddenly he said,´change course!I good outside and see Kira in a collision course just 20 meters away. I disconnect the windvane and we turn, Kira as well, so we avoid a collision. Amazing that we in this huge sea, that this can happen. The wind has grown to 5 -6 Bft, and we´re going really fast. Kira disappears behind us. In the afternoon the wind drops, Kira is already running on engine. Big ships and mammuthtankers are alround us. At the evening the wind is speeding up but is from the wrong direction. With engine and motorring we reach albernaye. Scary is it to reach an unknown harbor on a rocky coast. We mour up next to Kira, where a nice meal is prepared. After a nice long sleep after a 30 hour trip we wake up in a nice harbour, with beautyfull hills and fortresses.

geustwriter LingLing (Lady Depmak) With the planning to wake up early and leave at 12, we woke up at half past 12 and went to the village to buy cigarettes and grab a beer in a pub. After the beer I came up with the stupid idea to swim from the beach to our boat. After I talked Tim and even Mathijs in it and they were standing half naked in front of the water with their boxer-short on I thought it was stupid and went with Claus to the small rubber boat while the other two were swimming in the cold water they still complaining about. So Claus and I went fishing and caught as much as we expected. Nothing… So we had a barbecue with only bami goreng. After we enjoyed a really nice meal with a fine glass Spanish rose, we saw the sun going under while we were on the deck with nice music. It was like the end of the world and the beginning of a new life and we gave it a standing ovation to thank the sun for this great gift and opportunity to live this holy life in freedom. Cheers mates.

Ein Kommentar

  1. I like;) bisher hörte sich eure reise sehr hart an.zumindest bzzgl der wetter lage;) aber jetzt bin ich wieder neidisch.:) viel spass.kommt ja ganz gut vorqn nu wa…

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